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Kid Like

Enjoy Books, Music Videos,

Challenges, Products & Events.


Kid Like Chip The Dino

Snack Time Music Video

Grandma Saves The Day Book


About Us

Kid Like is a children’s content creator and publisher. Enjoy books, music videos, clothing, toys and more. Meet Chip The Dino at our next event. Chip loves snacks and dancing to music. See our feature music video Snack Time ooh ooh ooh with Chip the Dino and do the Yummy Dance together. 


Dance Party! 

Kid Like School Events 🙂
Sign up your Elementary School for Kid Like dance parties and book signings. Kids meet Chip the Dino. Autograph signing and party favors for every child.

Do The Yummy Dance

New kids dance you can learn. Do The Yummy Dance with Chip The Dino. Rub your belly with one hand and tap your head with the other. Now move your hips side to side. Yay! You did it.
